Friday, September 21, 2012

Beer Review Challenge: 3 Floyd's Rye da Tiger

Hello and happy Friday all! I have another review for you to enjoy, courtesy of the one and the only supplier of challenges (Jeff excluded), Coren. Another shout of to her for providing this option, because it keeps my skills honed.

Color: Clear straw that clears slightly at the base of the glass. Considering that this is a double rye IPA, I'm a little surprised at this color, but I assume they decided to go with more pale malts to not conflict with the rye itself, hence the color.

Head: Decent head on the beer, even if the retention is minimal. The rye is the culprit for the lack of retention, clearly, but it is to be expected.

Aroma: Nice hoppy notes, starting with grassy and citrus aromas, pointing out a source of American hops (what up Portland!). For the style, I can understand wanting a hop that will stand up the tartness of the rye, as long as it doesn't overpower it. In this category, they nailed it.

Taste: The hops are front and center when you take the first sip of this beer, but calm rather quickly and acquiesce to the rye. The mixture of the hop and rye hits you about 2 seconds after it passes your tongue, so you get the bitterness of hops along with its flavor profile (American hops = citrus and/or piney), and then the harshness of the rye in a tart slap to the taste buds. This is a very balanced IPA for these ingredients, and the alcohol you would expect is not even hinted at, which I approve of highly.

Overall: This was a fantastic option for them to brew, although a challenge to find the balance with the adjunct and hops. The beer starts off strong and finishes easy, the sign of any good double IPA. The only misgivings I have come down to the color, simply because I want any double IPA, rye or not, to have some amber hues to it. It is a personal grievance, so I won't hold it against them...too much.

Score:  7.75/10

As always, drink well and be merry. Slainte!

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