Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Beer Review Challenge

Ok, I'm ready to evolve my beer geek status into providing some honest feedback to others that are curious. I'm not going to claim any form of expertise in the arena people have been doing for quite a while longer, but I will always provide true, honest, and unbiased reviews.

So, here is my challenge to you, the world at large. Send me a comment here or on twitter (@chitownproud) and let me know what beer you would like me to review for you.

Now, the rules of the challenge are really simple. First, don't give your opinion to me before I try the beer, so I can avoid any/all bias before I try it. Second, give me a little time to get the beer (which may not always be possible, but I will make every effort) AND to provide my review. Lastly, if you disagree with me, that is totally fine, but let's keep it respectful and cordial.

If I haven't gotten a challenge by the end of a work week (yes, that means Friday), then I will select a beer I have either never had or haven't had in a very long time and provide a review. To avoid me picking things you don't like, just send me a quick note!

That is about all I got, but I look forward to your responses.

As always, drink well and be merry. Slainte!


  1. Not Your Father's Root Beer - Small Town Brewery (Wauconda, IL)

    1. I will look into getting this and posting the review shortly. Thanks for the suggestion!
