Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Brewery Name

Ok, this is a point of frustration for me at this stage, so I'm going to vent. The brewery name or title of my brewing company that I want to have going forward is something I get asked about a lot, but I have no answers. None. Zilch.

This "writer's block" that has found me refuses to let go and it is becoming a sore point in my brewing thoughts. There are a number of names in there, but none that speak to me directly. I'm not going to use a name that I am not totally behind, because it needs to say something about me.

I think I have suggested to Coren about 50 names by now, but none that grabbed me. This reminds me of when I was younger and writing papers in high school and college. There were two rules that applied then: the paper should be as long as it needs to be to give your conclusion and the title shouldn't be forced. Well, if I take the advice from a time long long ago, then I need to reconsider the situation, but maybe I can mix in a little bit of my adult knowledge too.

Situation - I cannot think of a title for my brewery/operation.
Complication - I'm being pressured to create an answer by more and more bystanders.
Question - What should I name my brewery/operation?
Answers -
  1. Nothing; wait until I arrive at the name naturally
  2. Use one of the names I suggested already
  3. Let someone else choose
Ok, so if I dig into any of these answers, I would ultimately end up either disappointed (2 & 3) or not achieving the purpose of this exercise (1). But, if we apply the ol' writing logic to it, there is only answer 1.

Well, if that is the case, the meaning of this exercise is to be patient and let the name come to me. No use in titling something until I have something worth calling it. Well, that leaves it there. I will leave it to the whims of the universe to help me arrive to the best name when the time is right.

As always, drink well and be merry. Slainte!

1 comment:

  1. Use this dude:

    Mike Raia
